Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Join the Cause

Sometimes it 's great to have a cause, a reason for doing things. I've realized, though, that sometimes it's better not to have a cause. Let me explain.

These days it seems like there's always a catch... the BOGO cookies at the grocery store really aren't, a free lunch really isn't, or a good deed is actually in search of an IOU. There are a lot of different things to rally behind -lots of good things! But sometimes these good things and our good intentions can cause us to get distracted from an even better thing. They can take our minds off the bigger cause: To seek first the kingdom of heaven.

It seems like there is always an underlying agenda in our interactions. They're always in search of something... a signature, an email address, or a purchase. But what if we loved others with the sole intention of just loving them. Not walking up to people expecting anything but approaching them for them.

Living a different kind of life takes approaching life a different kind of way. It involves living a life of engagement and loving people in real ways for no real reason. I believe this kind of love permeates far deeper than any other. This love points hearts to a perfect supernatural kind of love.

The kind of love that Jesus modeled was a self-sacrificing, all encompassing, and limitless kind of love. I am always amazed by Jesus' death on the cross. There were no conditions that he expected us to meet or thank you notes that he expected to receive. Jesus loved freely. In following that example, let us not "charge" others for the free love we have received, but give generously that it may turn others to the source.

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