Sunday, December 21, 2014

Susceptible to being easily Broken or Damaged.
Likely to be Destroyed or Overcome.
Vulnerable to the smallest threats

But how miraculous that through the Tossing and Shaking
During the violent showers
That the flower emerged Untouched. Unharmed. Undamaged.
Planted in a soil so devoid of nutrients
There was no chance it would one day bloom.
But the flower was not deprived nor did it wither.
Instead as the clouds rolled back, it emerged more radiant and lovely than before.

Surroundings and circumstances defeated
By an ever glorious cross
And only through that precious blood that was shed
Could life be brought forth.

Where did it’s nourishment come from.

From the Son. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9 Draft

To treat no person as if they are an interruption or an "inconvenience" to the schedule I have in mind. Time is not mine but belongs to the creator of time.

Making a response with gentleness

What a blessing it is to be "interrupted" for the sake of setting aside myself to introduce others to Him in whom I have found my hope.

Deny yourself... I feel like God is constantly having to reteach me that my life is not my own.

God, I am so far from these things. But I pray that my hearts anthem would be "not my will, but yours be done."

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I just didn't know

I did not know at the time,

That signing up for college meant:
Committing finances, freedom, and “finding” faith
Choosing a sensible career
Developing in maturity
An increased awareness of my fears of growing up
Breaking free from bondage of self and slavery
Diving headfirst into a major I knew nothing about
And staying longer and differently than anticipated.

I did not know at the time,

That following Jesus meant:
Giving up my plans, my pride, and my preferences for sin
Learning to love sacrificially
Reckless Obedience
Being called to love the seemingly unlovable
That it would cost everything.

And all the while I could not see it, oh, I could not even perceive it.
Oh but Lord,
I would not trade this sweetness for any amount of knowledge, other than the knowledge that your love knows no bounds.

And I still don't know.