Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Carefully scribbled thoughts went from heart, to pen, to paper
Each private sorrow finally acknowledged

Everyone knelt
Not beneath but beside her pain
And control was given back in the form of light
The decision to strike a match & overcome

Some hands were shaking, others sturdy
Some burned fast & all at once
Others took time.
But all of them were in their own way, very beautiful.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Let's call her... Pink

I thought she was “evil”, no good, and lacking in truth

But today my calloused heart was able to feel
Her pain
Was able to appreciate
Her story
Could relate to
Someone who seemed so different

A girl who I once looked at with only condemnation and judgment
Was now seen through a lens of grace

Lord give me clean hands and a pure heart

The Color Gray

The color gray

I was attracted to you
Who knew
That the darkest shade of gray, could be replaced by blue

Curtains long closed
Open up to sunlight
A weary traveler
Has victory in sight

And as I peel back layers of disguise
The long road ahead has become a sunrise
As night became day, I was fully aware
That being dressed in color was not a one time affair

While dark walls turn white
And heavy garments tear off
My body took flight
Carried by a hook to His cross

As sand has been sifted
And a soul shaken by fire
Burdens light and lifted
And my gaze became fixed  higher

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

An Honest Prayer

It's time.

I'm ready for the last of these walls to be broken down
And I'm ready to heal your way

... I'm ready to experience a love I have never known before
... A love created by and rooted in you

And God, I place my raw and fragile heart in your tender hands
Will you take care of it for me?
It is yours for eternity.

And I await the day when I am face to face with you
And you open your hands

When my eyes behold a heart that seems familiar,
but I only faintly recognize

For it will be restored and all the old will be passed away.
And the old bleeding heart I once knew, has been made new.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


A shocking discovery has been made this morning. Not shocking because it’s hard to believe but shocking because of how present it is and how oblivious I’ve been to it.


It’s funny how pride works. My pride almost kept me from reading that specific chapter in a book because I thought to myself, that’s the least of my worries. I don’t struggle with pride too much…
Unexpectedly, I realized that every other problem & stronghold I had been trying to overcome (unsuccessfully might I add) was deeply rooted in pride.

Unbelief- pride causes my beliefs to waver. If I am worshipping myself it makes it awfully hard to worship God.

Insecurity- I’m insecure because I look at myself too much. I’ve noticed that when my eyes are looking at the glory of God, I don’t have racing thoughts of insecurity. Instead, I’m so absorbed in his majesty that looking away to stare at myself is no longer appealing.

Pride steals my contentment because it causes me to believe that I deserve much more than I have been given. False! I don’t deserve crowns and riches, I don’t deserve a glorious inheritance, but God gives anyways. That’s like a criminal being dissatisfied because they believe they should be on the cover of a magazine or receive some sort of an award because they think they’re a good person.  Pride causes me to believe that by my own merit, I am deserving of what God gives. A more truthful look at things reminds me that “it is by grace you have been saved, through faith.  And this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Satan tries to convince me that I am “well” and don’t need to call on the help of a doctor. The reality is that I’m desperately and ill and that by not calling on the Lord for help I am choosing to let a treatable illness (treatable by His strength only) progress so far that it becomes fatal. Pride kills us! It keeps us from asking for the help that will save us.

Because of my pride, I would rather die than admit that I need help. The only dying that should be taking place is death to myself, not death as a result of stubbornness.

Pride keeps me from worshiping the Lord and loving him with all my heart, mind, and soul.

Pride has convinced me that God’s plan for my life should parallel my own plans, and that if it doesn’t I don’t need to acknowledge it.

Although a fresh perspective on my sin can tempt me to despair, as I look to God and from myself I realize that I don’t stand condemned. His word reassures me that “where sin abounded, grace abounded more.” So as I acknowledge the sin that my deceitful heart has fostered for so long, I accept the grace freely given and ask for the Lord to make me well.