Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Teacher Teacher

This post is gonna take a different spin... I am still convinced that the title is appropriate. I don't know everything and I'm well aware, but this is the irony. I'm a teacher. Aren't teachers supposed to know things? Aren't they supposed to be super smart and educated? After all, they teach others, right? How can you teach other people without knowing a thing or two yourself.

After 5 years of college, 3 of those years which were spent studying in detail how to educate visually impaired individuals, and countless hours of internships and observations I feel... weak. You would think that I could solve any problem and spit out every eye disease and how to treat it, but that's just not the case. In my pride, I have convinced myself that I'm now capable of handling everything at my job alone. After all, I should be "the expert" right? But God has quickly been bringing to my attention that no amount of education makes me self-sufficient. I am totally in need of Him, not just for the things that are out of my control, but also in the things that I have the illusion that I can control on my own.
This job is no different than surrendering the future, or sickness, financial hardships, or even my next breath to Him. Although those situations seem like a no-brainer to bring to God, I am just as needy as a teacher because underneath it all, I am a sinner who is in constant need of grace.

As I look to the future and what this school year could be like, I desperately want God's help. After only a week in, I am exhausted and left feeling helpless. But praise be to God whose grace is sufficient! No, I don't know it all and I might be the first teacher willing to admit that. But what I do know is that He who is in me is greater than anything I could conjure up on my own. He is Abba Father. He is the Great Physician. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Rock of Ages. He is the Great I AM. He is Creator. He is Savior of the world. He is Redeemer. He is Wisdom. He is Teacher... and He is more than qualified to equip me to teach.


  1. //But God has quickly been bringing to my attention that no amount of education makes me self-sufficient.//


    thanks for continuing to write, friend. :)

  2. Thank you Lacey :) It's a bit more sporadic these days but God is no doubt still teaching me
