Saturday, February 28, 2015


Nothing satisfies my soul quite like Jesus does. I find that most days my heart is overwhelmed and aching for various things. Sometimes it's for little things and other times because there's so much going on with how fast-paced life can be. It's easy to lose my footing in the middle of such a rush.

 Some days there are small victories, like seeing a familiar face or doing well in class. But these things only bring a fleeting happiness with them. They don't have the capacity to sustain me for more than a few hours, much less a lifetime.

But in the quiet moments where I stop and rest, my soul finds more satisfaction than it did when I was striving and working. 

It's when I experience how these things don't satisfy that I am reminded of who really does. There is a far greater victory that is guaranteed. More often than not, this victory seems far off. But I am reminded that it's not dependent on me and that it is through Jesus that I am already victorious.

When I feel like I'm falling behind in the race that the world is running, He stoops down beside me and gently reminds me: "It's not them you're running for. You are in a different race.."

I remember my Savior who was well acquainted with deep sorrow and how he fixed his eyes on an eternal reward.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."
Isaiah 26:3

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