Friday, September 5, 2014

Life hurts

I think it’s safe to say that life hurts.

Tonight as I reflected on my day and desired to choose joy, I smacked my knee into my dresser. I sat there a moment as the stinging pain pulsed through my knee and finally subsided. As I lay there, feeling the still fresh pain, all I could think was one day this won’t happen anymore. Then I laughed. You see, I’m starting to catch on to Satan’s tricks these days. When we feel like we’re doing a good job of running the race, Satan uses sin and disappointments to trip us, leaving us in pain and feeling somewhat helpless.

I knew that the tempting anger was not truth as I recalled the thought I was having right as I hit my knee.  God had given me peace in the strangest of circumstances. I was thinking of everything that had not gone according to my own plans, and thanking God that He loves me enough to discipline me. Peace and joy flowed through my thoughts and I dwelt on the words “Christ alone.” … Christ alone is enough reason for joy, Christ alone produces peace, Christ alone is who I can put my hope in, Christ alone makes me whole…. Christ alone. No wonder my thoughts were interrupted by temptation and pain. Satan can’t stand the truth!

Sometimes it seems like God’s voice is hard to hear and other times it can ring clear as day. Sometimes we feel like we’re searching in the dark and other times a sting can awaken us and help us to pay attention. The slight physical pain reminded me of my human state. I’m still living in the flesh and there is earthly pain and discomfort that comes with that –disappointment, unmet expectations, and yes even physical aches. But thank God that there will be a day when we no longer feel pain and we won’t hurt anymore. I can lift my eyes and know that these afflictions truly are light and momentary, and there will be an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 

"Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble."
Psalm 119:165

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