Friday, July 18, 2014

On the Move

Where God is, is home.

As I look forward to the next season of my life, I’ve noticed a deep insecurity about where I will be living. I am so scared to leave the familiar.

The other night, a friend spoke truth into this fear. She said, “The Idol is familiarity.”
Those words spurred so many thoughts. In the light of that truth, I was able to identify a huge source of this fear. The main reason I’ve been wanting to stay is because it’s comfortable and it’s familiar. Lately I’ve felt like I’m swinging in every direction and trying so hard to grab ahold of something. Perhaps the reason it’s so hard to grab onto truth is because my hands are too busy clinging to familiarity and comfort.

I, and a lot of other people, desire security. But comfort does not equal security, as I’ve been led to believe somewhere along this journey. The only thing that is secure is God and His faithfulness. We can be so comfortable yet so untouched by grace!

I’ve been reflecting a lot on the faith of people in the Bible. People were so willing to drop everything and go, even at a moment’s notice! The story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26 is a prime example of this. An angel of the Lord tells Philip to “Go south to the road -the desert road- that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” Do you know what Philip does? He goes. He doesn’t question or get a U-Haul to pack his things, he just goes. I mean, this is the desert we’re talking about! Wow, to have that faith and willingness to travel to the desert.

Something else God has been convicting me about is what does my idea of comfort look like? I find a lot of comfort in knowing. When we know our surroundings well, it’s easier to trust. I’ve been realizing that I really desire the familiar, because it gives me a Plan B. Should something go wrong, I can “lean on my own understanding” and hopefully figure something out. This is what the Lord says to that:

 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:8.

I believe that stepping out in faith looks like having no other options besides God. See how faulty my Plan B mentality is? If I know where I’m going, why would I have to trust God on the journey? But when I am walking by faith, not by sight, I have no choice but to fix my eyes on Him.
The next question that God brought to mind was, “Who do you love?”

After people get married, they are oftentimes willing to move to another state, even country, to follow the one they love and be with them. We are willing to move away from our friends to start a new life with the one we love. Why wouldn’t I do the same for God?
We follow that significant other for the security they offer. But how much more secure is God? How much more will HE provide? How much more does HE love us?

God loves us with an unfailing love, and is the reason we are able to love in the first place. God’s love is sufficient. God’s love is greater than anyone else’s love in this entire world. If He promises unfailing love and to supply my needs, why would I be willing to follow a spouse and not God?

Maybe it’s so hard for us to move, because we have so many strings attached. Those strings are limiting our movement and freedom! Lord, cut those strings so that we might walk in freedom once again! Keep me from tying myself down with worldly comforts when your word says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!”

Increase my faith God! Remind me that I am deeply loved by you and that no other love unless satisfied first through you is safe. Give me the glow of a woman who is loved and give me the faith of someone who is chasing after you. Lord, wherever you call us is home. Because you are our home.

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