Friday, May 24, 2013

Peace Among the Chaos

*Before I start, just a warning, I'm feeling a lil bit cheesy right now. So if you choose to read this post, you have been warned.

     Now that I got the disclaimer out of the way... Let's see, where do I even begin. Well I guess I'll start by addressing the purpose writing this post in the first place. These past two days I have felt completely overwhelmed. When I say that I don't mean that I am doubting God, but rather that I am having to completely and totally rely on Him because my own strength just won't do it these days (which isn't a bad thing). But it's exhausting. When circumstances bring you to your knees and you find yourself in the midst of total surrender, it's never an easy thing. Its a constant minute-by-minute second-by-second decision to give these things up to God instead of trying to control them myself. But don't get me wrong, I never regret that decision to place my problems in the hands of my Almighty and totally capable God. In life there's a Plan A and Plan B, but the beauty of surrender is that it takes the Plan B out of the equation.

    Although being in a state of surrender is something that I know is absolutely essential for the Lord to work, it's difficult. Surrender is a battle term which has to do when an opposing army lays down their arms and gives up all rights to the conqueror, allowing them to take control from then on. Surrendering to God works the same way. In order to experience the fullness of the plans He has for our lives, we must surrender to Him by setting aside our own plans. Just like no army wants to be "conquered", nobody wants to lay down their defenses. It's in our nature to want to look out for ourselves and to do our own protecting. We live in a world that sends this message to "trust no one",  so to lay our arms at the feet of God sounds absolutely ludicrous. How can we be safe if we have nothing to protect ourselves with? The Bible tells us that "God is a refuge, a stronghold, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) "In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me." (Psalm 120:1.)

    The past few days of "laying down my arms" have been some of the most difficult. I feel extremely vulnerable. But at this very moment, the verse that keeps coming to mind is Philippians 4:7. It says "And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." In the beginning of this post, I described how I was feeling overwhelming by my circumstances... now let me tell you how I am overwhelmed by Christ's peace.

    Lately I've been into painting so let me describe to you this cool image that I guess you could say in my mind goes with this verse. Here's an image that unfortunately many of us with be familiar with. Imagine the destruction in Oklahoma from the tornados of the past week. There's flattened houses, splintered wood, and shards of glass from chinaware... Now imagine a pre-K classroom with about 15 children. Some are crying, while others are running about, while still others are banging toys against tables. Now I want you to imagine any restaurant of your choice (preferably a very popular one.) Its loud inside. About 10 different conversations are taking place in your vicinity and on top of all that, the waiter just dropped a tray of plates, which causes the patrons to collectively yell, "Opa!" All of these images together create a symphony of chaos (it stresses me out just thinking of it.) But amid this collage of chaos is a person simply standing. Just standing. And here's where the verse comes in. All of these events are taking place around them, natural disasters, yelling, screaming, but in the midst of all of that, there is this unexplainable peace. This peace that, given the situations, shouldn't be there and makes absolutely no sense, but it's there and it's real. I wish I could do a better job of explaining it but that's just what it is. A peace that is so unexplainable that it could only be from God.

    So I could ramble on for a few more paragraphs, or I could just leave off with this. This peace is real and God offers it to you. It doesn't matter how far you've run or how damaged you think you might be. This might be the truest thing I've ever heard in my life: "God accepts you the way you are, but refuses to leave you that way." So don't just take my word for it, go see for yourself. Take it all to the feet of Jesus and exchange your efforts for His peace.


  1. Holy dang. Your post was INSANE. It's crazy awesome that we've both written about cool is God? Well, anyway, thank you for sharing :)

  2. Thanks for reading it Lacey! God is definitely very cool, so cool in fact that we both just cant help but write about it haha

  3. My heart is smiling...very big.
