Some of the most impactful worship sessions I've had have occurred here. Times when I thought i'd just come to work and get homework done turned into raw times with the Lord.
I remember...
Praying for the strength to do this new RA job well
Praying about whether or not I would join staff with Cru
Processing counseling appointments
Praying for clarity on how to best serve in Cru
Praying and listening to God about who I needed to forgive
Being convicted over my judgmental heart, and messaging a friend to get lunch
Praying for my internship in Texas
Praying about grad school
Asking the Lord to lift heavy depression
Praying over brokenness
Asking the Lord for clarity in my relationships
Asking God for His strength to get through tough classes
Praying for a future spouse that would love me tenderly and point me back to God (I think this prayer is in the process of being answered)
And now I sit here, on Sunday, the eve of the last week of school. And I find myself returning to the "quiet place" with God. I'm letting his truth touch my ears and his promises fill my soul.
I am so unsure of what will happen. I don't know where I'll be come August or what I'll be doing. But I do know this. My God is faithful and he loves me. And because he loves me, I know that I can trust Him.